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Primary School

In work and play, only our best.

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School Logo


Primary School

In work and play, only our best.


Group song Greatest day

The children from the Choir were invited to Oaklands care home to perform some Christmas song. The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to perform and the resident were thrilled to watch us and even joined in with some of the songs. 

Let's Go Sing 2023

Let’s Go Sing! On Monday 6th March, the school choir, run by Mrs Holder and Miss Ramsbottom, went to King George’s Hall in Blackburn for the Let’s Go Sing event. There were 22 children in the choir who attended. We went after lunch and performed in front of a huge audience in the evening, We sang Power in Me as a group song and 8 other songs that we performed with the 10 other schools who joined the event. There was also a teacher song that Mrs Holder and Miss Ramsbottom performed with the other teachers. It was a great event and we really enjoyed it. Thank you to the teachers and our families for their support. By Gracie, Lillie, Natasha and Amelia

Holding on

It's carnival time!

Lose yourself in the music.

The Monsters' Masquerade Ball

Count on me

Our time to shine


Where roads come together

Power in me

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