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Primary School

In work and play, only our best.

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Primary School

In work and play, only our best.

'Help! They can't read the word' Guide

Working out an unfamiliar word is like solving a puzzle or unlocking a code. Your child will learn a range of strategies to help them. You can encourage your child to try and read a word by:

  • Segmenting or sounding out a word (c-a-t, 'cat')
  • Breaking down longer words into sections (ch-il-dren, children)
  • Looking for picture clues
  • Using the context of the sentence
  • Asking 'What would make sense?'
  • Re-reading the sentence to check the meaning
  • Checking for punctuation clues (commas, question marks, exclamation marks etc.


It is very helpful to get your child to re-read a book to help develop their comprehension skills and fluency. we are aiming to develop confident, fluent readers who are able to decode accurately and use expression when reading aloud.

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